20 September, 2011

Love Does Not Need A Reason

Lady: Why do you like me? Why do you love me?

Man: I can't tell the reason... But i really like you...

Lady: You can't even tell me the reason... How can you say you like me? How can you say you love me?

Man: I really don;t know the reason, but i can prove that i love you.

Lady: Proof? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her, but not you!

Man: OK..OK!! Err... because you are beautiful, because your voice is so sweet, because you are caring, because you are loving, because you are thoughtful, because of you smile, because of your every movements...

Unfortunately, a few days later, the Lady met with an accident and became comma. The guy then placed a letter by her side, and here is the content:


Because of your sweet voice thet i love you... Now can you talk? No! Therefore i cannot love you
Because of your care and concern that i like you... Now that you cannot show them Therefore i cannot love you
Because of your smile, because of your every movements that i love you... Now can you smile? Now can you move? No, therefore i cannot love you...

If love need a reason, like now, there is no reason for me to love you anymore.
Do love need a reason? NO!
therefore, i still love you...
And love doesn't need a reason
"the best most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart"

Best regards,
Amadeus Jongky

Jangan pikir aku bikin kalimat ini sendiri. Nggak! Aku dapet foto kopian yang isinya ini dari guru Bahasa Inggris. yaaa iseng aja aku taro di blog. karna isinya sedikit JLEB!!

silahkan di dalami, di renungi, atau di abaikan saja tulisan ini

sekian, salam meong :3


  1. riz..gw merinding bacanya,bukan krn ini JLEB..tp karna gue gak ngarti -___-

  2. Hey, ini terjadi pada saya lho. Saya... kalo disuruh menjabarkan mengapa saya menyukai wanita incaran saya kali ini... nggak tahu. Nggak tahu kenapa... pokoknya ya... saya tertarik aja. :D


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